“Don’t know what I would have done without Bellyful”

May 4, 2023 | Whānau Stories

An Auckland mum says Bellyful meals were a lifesaver during the exhausting haze of life with a newborn. 

Nicole was referred to Bellyful West Auckland by a close family friend who was also expecting. They had been discussing how they would manage cooking after their babies arrived. 

Nicole’s gorgeous little boy Benedict was born via c-section as he was breech and her water broke. It was exhausting for the whole family when they returned home. 

“My husband and I were struggling to have meals prepared, as we had to be there for baby round the clock and were not getting sleep,” Nicole says. 

“That is when Bellyful chipped in and delivered much needed meals to us which helped us focus more on Benedict and his needs and gave one less thing to worry about.” 

The meals arrived just as the whānau was having a scary moment and had called an ambulance for little Benedict.  

Nicole says Bellyful West Auckland Branch Coordinator Tracy arrived “like an angel” as they were about to leave for the hospital, recalling “She just hugged me and made me feel like everything was going to be okay, all I had was tears in my eyes.” 

Thankfully Benedict is fine, and Tracy has since dropped off some further meals, which Nicole says proved to be a lifesaver as her husband Karthik had to return to long days at work and they were struggling with getting the cooking done. 

“We don’t know what I would have done without Bellyful – our saviour indeed.” 

Words by Jacqui Stanford
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