Donate Monthly

Donating $25 a month could feed a whānau for three nights

A new baby or unwell child can be exhausting, stressful, and isolating.

During times of difficulty, whānau need a community, a village, and some support – something that seems to be diminishing in our busy society. And that is where Bellyful steps in.

Your regular donation provides practical support by way of ready-to-heat and-eat meals; a sense of relief; a moment of reprieve, for whānau in the thick of it.

Your support enables Bellyful to extend its reach to more whānau in more communities across Aotearoa. Our mahi, our growth, our network of 600+ volunteers, rely on the generosity of New Zealanders like you.

A monthly gift of any size makes a big difference.

Why give to Bellyful?

We have been cooking and delivering free meals to whānau with babies or with young children, since 2009. In the last 13 years, our dedicated volunteers have delivered 200,000 meals to 36,000 whānau across Aotearoa.

Our community-driven mahi is funded solely through generous donations from New Zealanders like you, as well as sponsorships and grants that we work tirelessly to secure. We do not discriminate and our service is free, with no assessment of finances or situation to be able to receive meals.

Perhaps you, or someone you know, has made use of our service during those newborn days, or while a child has been in hospital? We regularly receive feedback about how Bellyful has helped parents through difficult times.

We run a quarterly survey of our recipients and the most recent results illustrate the difference our support can make:
♡   95 per cent say Bellyful meals allowed them to focus on caring for their baby
♡   88 per cent say they were able to spend quality time with their other children
♡   91 per cent say Bellyful meals gave them a break when they needed it most

Isn’t it amazing how some kai, cooked with love and delivered with a smile, can have such a positive impact?

“I can’t champion this service enough. It’s more than just a meal or two – I’ve honestly felt nurtured and supported through the use of/referral to Bellyful. I think there is such a huge need for Bellyful everywhere – new parenthood is insanely hard and this is just one thing that goes towards making it a
little easier.”

Why give monthly?

The benefits for you:
  • Regular giving is a convenient and hassle-free way to donate. Once your automated gift is set up – that’s it – you can sit back and relax, knowing your donation continues to be taken care of.
  • A monthly donation enables you to spread your philanthropy across the year for affordable and impactful giving.
  • We’ll keep in touch with you with a bi-annual report, and in other ways we hope you’ll enjoy.
  • You will receive a cumulative donation receipt at the end of each tax year.
The benefits for Bellyful:
  • A regular gift enables us to plan, and take a long-term approach to some key developments like establishing new branches in communities across Aotearoa.
  • Regular donations provide a reliable source of funding, alleviating the pressure to raise funds urgently via other avenues such as applying for grants and launching fundraising appeals (both things we will continue to do…!)
  • It is a very cost-effective way to give; everything can be automated in our systems meaning that our very limited staff time isn’t spent processing donations manually.
“It was very much appreciated from myself and my whānau. It meant I could spend longer with my sick baby in hospital knowing that my family at home were well taken care of with the meals.”

© Bellyful 2021 ♥ All Rights Reserved